Series 3 (2007)

Episode title: Evolution of the Daleks
Featuring: Tenth Doctor
Companions: Martha Jones
First shown: 28th April 2007
Related articles: The Cult of Skaro, Dalek Sec, Pig Slaves
Guide: The episode starts out with the hybrid Dalek ordering Martha and the other humans away to become a hybrid. Not but a second after the order, the Doctor plays some music to announce his entrance. The Daleks want to exterminate him, but the hybrid Dalek identified as Dalek Sec tells them to wait. Dalek Sec explains to the Doctor what it feels like to be human and that he believes all humans are Dalek at heart. After explaining the purpose of a radio to the Daleks, the Doctor takes his trusty sonic screwdriver to it and produces an ear screeching sound so he and the rest of the humans can escape.

When they return to Hooverville, the Doctor insists that everyone leave, but it is insisted that there is no where else to go. Moments after, the Pig Slaves and the Daleks attack the Hooverville encampment causing mayhem and destruction. After the leader of Hooverville tried to reason with the Daleks, he was shot dead by them. Dalek Sec then orders the other Daleks not to kill the Doctor, but rather bring the Doctor to Dalek Sec.

New York City in the 1930's

Dalek Sec explains to the Doctor that the Daleks were unable to successfully grow Dalek embryos, so they resorted to something different, Human- Dalek hybrids. He reveals to the Doctor that there is over a thousand humans in storage ready to be transformed. The Daleks have turned the Empire State Building into a large antenna to gather gamma radiation so there is enough energy to turn the Humans into hybrids.

Dalek Sec Hybrid in Evolution of the Daleks

Dalek Sec explains to the Doctor how he feels about the whole being Dalek thing, and the Doctor agrees to help the Daleks perfect the process of becoming a hybrid. While the Doctor is helping, Martha is looking over schematics to the Empire State Building trying to figure out what the Daleks changed. When it came to pumping some fluids into the stored bodies, the Daleks betray Dalek Sec and take him prisoner.

The Doctor escapes and makes it to the roof to try and remove the modifications the Daleks made. He is unsuccessful so he puts himself in the way of the gamma burst, causing the new hybrids to have Time-Lord DNA. The Doctor, Daleks, and hybrids confront each other in the theatre, and Dalek Sec is exterminated, but when ordered to exterminate the Doctor, the hybrids question their Dalek leaders. When the hybrids don’t start shooting the Doctor, the Daleks start shooting them, and in turn the hybrids are shooting the Daleks. The hybrids are successful in destroying two Daleks. The last remaining Dalek activates some self-destruct killing all of the remaining hybrids.

The Doctor doesn’t want to kill the last Dalek, so he offers to help him. The Dalek rejects the offer with an emergency temporal shift. Afterwards, Martha and Tallulah bring a dying Laszlo to the Doctor and the Doctor manages to stop Laszlo from dying. So, it is a happily-ever-after for Tallulah and Laszlo and the Doctor and Martha return to the TARDIS on Ellis Island to start a whole new adventure!

Laszlo as a pig slave in Evolution of the Daleks

This is the second of a two part story. Read the first part here.

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