Series 3 (2007)

Episode title: Daleks in Manhattan
Featuring: Tenth Doctor
Companions: Martha Jones
First shown: 21st April 2007
Related articles: The Cult of Skaro, Dalek Sec, Pig Slaves
Guide: This episode begins with a young man, Laszlo, giving a showgirl, Tallulah, a beautiful rosebud before she stepped on stage for her nightly performance. As she leaves the scene, Laszlo hears a sound and walks into a dark room to investigate, only to be attacked by a creature that looks like a humanoid pig.

The Doctor and Martha arrive at the Statue of Liberty to see the uncompleted Empire State Building. They learn that in Hooverville, people disappear mysteriously at night. The leader of Hooverville, Solomon, asks Doctor why people would want to spend all their money building the ‘tallest build ling in the world’ instead of helping the starving people of Hooverville.

While at the top of the Empire State Building, Mr. Diagoras, orders a foreman to speed up construction. The foreman refuses and Diagoras summons one of his Dalek Caans and two Pig Slaves to take the foreman away for the ‘final experiment’. The Dalek Caan orders Diagoras to recruit more ‘bodies’. Diagoras comes to hooverville to recruit workers to clear a sewer collapse. By this time, the Doctor had learnt that people who decide to work for Diagoras often fail to return, and accepts the job for $1. Martha, Solomon and a man named Frank went with him. Half a mile into the sewer collapse, they find a green lump of alien flesh which the doctor examines and pockets. Next they come along a single Pig Slave, and after the Doctor spends some time talking to it, more of them arrive and chase the party.

They escape the sewers through a manhole, all of the party apart from Frank. The Doctor, Martha and Solomon appear at the theatre, where Tallulah points a prop gun at them and demands to know what they did to Laszlo. The Doctor and Solomon search for equipment to examine the alien flesh while Martha and Tallulah compare notes about Laszlo and the Doctor. Solomon returns to Hooverville, telling everyone about Frank and that they would have to fight.

Martha notices a Pig slave while watching Tallulah’s dance number. She tries to reach him but he runs to the prop store where he disappears down the manhole. The Doctor studies the alien flesh and learns that it’s planet of origin was Skaro. He tries to find Martha and hears her scream as she is seized by Pig Slaves. Both he and Tallulah go down the manhole after Martha. They see Laszlo, who is half Pig Slave, half human. Apparently he had escaped the Dalek lab before his alteration into a Pig Slave was complete.

Martha and Frank are shoved into the lab along with other captives. Laszlo explains that the ‘low intelligence’ captives become Pig Slaves while the ‘high intelligence’ captives go towards the Final Experiment. Laszlo urges Tallulah to return to the theatre without him, she runs through the sewrs, but gets lost. The Doctor joins Martha in the high intelligence group as they proceed to the Final Experiment.

Martha steps forward and demands to know what is happening. Dalek Caan tells her to bear witness to the rebirth of the Dalek Race. Dalek Sec’s casing opens and a humanoid creature emerges. Dalek mutant-like head and yellow hands, wearing Diagoras’ suit. Everyone recoils in horror. “I am a Human Dalek,” it said to them all, “I am your future!”

This is the first of a two part episode. Read the second part here.

Written by Kkytha.

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