Series 6 (2011)
Episode title: The Almost PeopleFeaturing: Eleventh Doctor
Companions: Amy Pond, Rory Williams
First shown: 28th May 2011
Guide: As the crew of Cleaves, Jimmy, Buzzer and Dicken try to barricade themselves inside the chapel, the flesh Doctor and the real Doctor exchange words as the flesh Doctor tries to gain control of his morphing. As the flesh Cleaves, Jimmy and Dicken try to force their way into the chapel, one of the Doctors finds an escape route through ventilation tunnels running underneath the monastery. The human group, with the flesh Doctor, escape as the flesh group force their way in, but are forced to watch the human group escape. Underneath the monastery, the human group encounter choking gas as they make their way to the evac tower. Flesh Jennifer meets up with the rest of the flesh group and convinces them to go to war against the human group, who agree and make their way to one of the control rooms as human Cleaves attempts to contact the mainland, as the communications have been fixed by the two Doctors, though it appeared that the flesh Doctor annoyed Amy. Meanwhile Rory, on the search for Jennifer finds two Jennifer�s, one limping from a burn on her leg and one evidently flesh. The two Jennifer�s fight, and the flesh one is melted in acid.
Meanwhile, the flesh Doctor senses the flesh inside his head and goes outside. Amy follows him and confronts him about his death seen in The Impossible Astronaut (Series 6 : Episode 1), but he just repeats the flesh Jennifer�s question of the eyes � �Why? It�s all the eyes say. �Why?��. This is accompanied by the flesh Doctor forcing Amy against the wall and hurting her. After organising a rescue ship to be sent to the island, video footage of Rory and Jennifer comes up on the screens in the evac tower and Amy wants to go and find her husband but the Doctor insists that the flesh Doctor goes instead. The flesh Doctor and Buzzer leave to find Rory, but end up finding the dead body of the human Jennifer instead. The flesh Doctor says that Rory is therefore in danger, but Buzzer knocks him unconscious on Cleaves orders. Meanwhile the flesh Jennifer tricks Rory into turning off the cooling systems and the acid begins to boil, causing the monastery to start exploding. As Rory and Jennifer leave the temperature control room, they come across discarded piles of the flesh, left to rot while they�re still conscious. Rory says that it should be revealed to the human race and goes to find the others, who have evacuated the evac tower due to it beginning to explode. Buzzer finds the flesh Jennifer talking to the pile of flesh left to rot, but Jennifer kills Buzzer before he can avenge the human Jennifer�s death.
The flesh Cleaves re-routed the rescue ship to the courtyard while Rory tricks the others into entering the acid room, where Jennifer then locks them in and reveals herself to be another Jennifer ganger to Rory. The other gangers find the flesh Doctor and recruit him onto their team, where they all convene back in the communal area while the acid boils over in the acid room. However, after a holographic phone call from Jimmy�s son, Adam, the flesh Cleaves, Jimmy and Dicken show compassion, with the flesh Cleaves ordering the humans be released from the acid room, much to the flesh Jennifer�s anger. The flesh Jimmy arrives just as the human Jimmy is hit with acid from the boiling pot, and dies in the flesh Jimmy�s arms. The two groups team up to evacuate on the rescue ship, but as they�re making their way through the tunnels they find themselves confronting the flesh Jennifer who has transformed into a huge monster. The group run down the corridor and try to lock her out but the door doesn�t lock. The human Dicken knows the front door would lock and runs off to shut it to give the others more time, but is killed in the process, leaving only the human Cleaves left from the original team. The TARDIS crashes through the ceiling of the corridor, ready to take everyone to safety as the flesh Jennifer monster starts trying to force its way through the door, prompting the flesh Cleaves and the Doctor to keep the door shut. Amy tries to convince the flesh Doctor to swap places with the real Doctor, so that the real Doctor can live, but the Doctor reveals that they swapped shoes, and the flesh Doctor was really the real Doctor and vice versa. Amy apologises to the flesh Doctor, who tells her to push when the lady tells her to. Amy is confused but before she can say anything the Doctor takes her, Rory, Cleaves and the flesh Jimmy and flesh Dicken away in the TARDIS. The flesh Doctor and flesh Cleaves stand shoulder to shoulder as the flesh Jennifer monster breaks its way into the corridor, where the flesh Doctor uses a sonic screwdriver to reduce the flesh form to liquid, but the process also destroys the flesh Doctor and flesh Cleaves.
Back on the mainland, the Doctor drops the flesh Jimmy off to meet his son, Adam, in time for Adam�s birthday, before taking the human Cleaves and flesh Dicken to the companies head office where they face the press about the situation. The Doctor then tells Amy to breath, who experiences severe abdominal pain and forced into the TARDIS by Rory on the Doctor�s orders. In the TARDIS, the Doctor reveals that Amy is having contractions as she is in labour, which Amy and Rory find absurd as Amy doesn�t show any signs of being pregnant. The Doctor informs them that they only went to the factory so that the Doctor could scan the flesh and says that Amy hasn�t been with them for a very long time, but that they will find her, before ordering Rory to stand away as he uses his sonic screwdriver to turn Amy into liquid flesh, breaking the connection with the ganger. As the connection is broken, the real Amy wakes up to find the eye patch lady staring at her and telling her to push. Amy looks down to find herself pregnant and begins to scream as she enters labour.
This episode is a concluding episode of a two part storyline. You can read the first episode guide of the two parter by clicking here.