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Fitbit HR
I downloaded this app a couple of weeks ago knowing I was getting the fitbit HR for fathers day, even before using the tracker itself I was fairly impressed. Like Argus you can log food intake. You can set a carlorie goal input food from a vast list in the search bar or input your own if you know the carlorie content. It will then tell you how many calories you've burn't how many you've eaten and deduct and tell you how many calories you can consume to keep on target.

With the tracker itself it counts carlories for you based on heart rate, step climbs, miliage and works with android or ios I have set up on my iphone and android.
[Image: image_zpsgdlugq5x.jpg]
[Image: image_zps21nu2zrj.jpg]
Clever piece of kit. Looks good mate.
My next door neighbour asked a couple of weeks ago about a watch or device for his wife to track her walks. I mentioned a few that I've used (Tomtom, Garmin) but suggested fitbit (no, she isn't Wink ). She bought one and is really pleased with it.
[Image: Crashtestmonkeyredsmall_zpsfc1e3d39.jpg] Croft 2005, Cadwell 2006, Cadwell 2007
I had a cheaper version I bought off groupon called max fitness it just counts steps but works in kms, monitors sleep etc. it was ok but I wanted something that would monitor my heart rate rather than have my polar monitor all the time.

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