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I've had a bit of a Social Media rant ...
Blog updated. Here is the latest entry ...


Well, it’s Wednesday 11th November and I’ve been patiently waiting for the promised phone call from Stuart Forsyth of Longfield Chemicals.  

I have been very eager to find out how Stuart will (quoting his own words) … “ See what we can do to correct this situation … sorry for any problems caused and I will endeavour to put things right for you”.

I’ve spent the day wondering how Stuart will approach the phonecall –  afterall he gave himself a week to prepare for speaking to me so it has to be something very carefully considered. Maybe it will be an eloquent apology and a promise of honouring the order he took and confirmed in writing back in October. With a discount to offset our financial loss caused by a week without production thanks to Stuart. 

Maybe it will be ?  

… Hang on a minute ….

What time is it?


… And no phone call from Stuart.

Oh, bugger. He’s not phoning is he. I’ve been scammed again by that sneaky rascal Stuart Forsyth haven’t I. How silly do I feel! Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

I do feel for Stuart though. I think it’s possibly all too much for him. I bet he has taken his crayons, a food parcel, and hidden behind his desk again. I do hope somebody checks before they switch the lights off and lock up.

I know – I’ll check LinkedIn to see if he has responded there as he did last time … NOPEBut Stuart has gone to the trouble of removing his response (detailed earlier in this Blog) and blocking me from seeing his profile. I am no longer ‘connected’ to Stuart either, so he has cast me aside!

Hmmm – I’ll check Longfields twitter account, as I sent them a link to the Blog through that … NOPE. But I am now blocked from following or viewing Longfield Chemicals account / tweets.

So, no promised phone call and Stuart has taken hiding to the next (Social Media) level. He’s so good at this his title should be changed from ‘Commercial Director’ to ‘Best Director of Hiding … EVER”.

If you deal with Longfield Chemicals or Stuart Forsyth on any level, then I hope this serves as a insight on what to expect if you have problems. From our experiences, Stuart will hide. Behind his staff. Behind his desk. Behind anything and anyone. Then Stuart will lie.

Stuart Forsyth of Longfield Chemicals of Runcorn lied to us in writing. Not once, but twice.

Stuarts actions (or lack of them) stopped our production lines running for one week. This could have been avoided had they simply answered or returned one of the many phone calls or emails we sent. But they chose to ignore us – and lie.

So, take a bow Stuart Forsyth / Longfield Chemicals of Runcorn. Despite our best efforts to allow you to “correct this situation” (Your own Directors words), you are without doubt the worst company we have dealt with in Twenty Two years.

[Image: Crashtestmonkeyredsmall_zpsfc1e3d39.jpg] Croft 2005, Cadwell 2006, Cadwell 2007

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RE: I've had a bit of a Social Media rant ... - Kingy - 11-11-2015, 08:05 PM

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